Bacon and Egg Pie

Today is a beautiful summers day out here at Billies Kitchen Shop at the Old school Collective in Waikuku. I have been to Studio Pilates and feel quite inspired. I have started walking 5kms on the days I am not at Pilates with my dear friend Karen. She is walking the El Camino trail in September so a great walking buddy full of inspiration.

This morning, I made G a bacon and egg pie for him to have at the local car show. It has been something I have made for years for lunches, picnics or just to give to a friend. It would just about have to be the most requested. Well, that and Chicken enchiladas but we will talk about them another day.

So, the pie: I use a greased glass rectangle dish 30 x 22. I find the glass great so you can check the pastry is fully cooked through. I use ready rolled or pastry sheets. Try to buy good quality flakey puff.

Lay the pastry into the dish with a little overhang then prick all over with a fork. Grate some cheese enough to spread a thin layer over the pastry. Then scatter a good amount of chopped bacon, get good quality - you don’t want too much liquid coming off it. Then you can add leftover potato if you want. I like it plain but if you want it to go further add some cooked veggies – you can also make this pie with skinned sausages or leave the meat out altogether. I use one dozen eggs - 11 in the pie and the last one to whisk and cover the top with. Once you have them in place break the yolk with a fork.

Use some salt and pepper, I use Billies Peppered Salt in an electric grinder. This is the perfect blend for anything you need salt and pepper on! You could now slice a couple of tomatoes and place them over the eggs. Use a pastry brush and coat the sides of the pastry. Cover with a top that fits just over the dish and trim the corners. Now with your thumbs and index fingers roll and twist the pastry together. Prick the top with a fork and brush the top with reserved egg. 

Place in the bottom of the oven @190C Fan Bake. I cook for 15 mins and turn it around for another 15mins for even cooking - if you have a great oven, you probably won’t need to do that. Leave to cool a little and slide onto a board or you can just serve from the dish.