I got my obsession with washing from my Nana. She lived with us in Rangiora for a bit and was the washing guru - she taught me a lot. I also worked on the counter of the Rangiora Dry Cleaners in the Crestani days. I loved going out the back a getting tips and tricks about getting the cricket or bowling whites, white. Jim Sands was a wealth of knowledge, but my Nan taught me about washing – especially sorting the washing. This would have to be the most important step.
It’s great to spend the time looking at the garden. This year I resurrected my old arches that I had made 30 years ago. They had been stored up at Cust and G picked them up and painted them. I had seen pumpkins, cucumber and courgettes growing on them, so was quite excited.
This morning, I made G a bacon and egg pie for him to have at the local car show. It has been something I have made for years for lunches, picnics or just to give to a friend. It would just about have to be the most requested. Well, that and Chicken enchiladas but we will talk about them another day.
I am looking forward to sharing my expertise when it comes to cooking and other household tasks and introducing you to my friends and family and their small business adventures along the way.